maple candied walnut recipe

A Simple and Delicious Dessert

If you’re looking for a delicious snack that’s easy to make and perfect for any occasion, you can’t go wrong with maple candied walnuts. These sweet and crunchy treats are made by coating walnuts in a mixture of maple syrup, cinnamon, and other ingredients, and then baking them until they’re crispy and caramelized.

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

One of the great things about maple candied walnuts is that they’re incredibly versatile. You can serve them as a snack on their own, sprinkle them over salads or oatmeal for added crunch and flavor, or use them as a topping for ice cream or other desserts. Plus, they’re a healthier alternative to many other types of snacks, since walnuts are packed with protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

Making maple candied walnuts is also incredibly easy, even if you’re not an experienced cook. With just a few simple ingredients and some basic kitchen equipment, you can whip up a batch of these delicious treats in no time. So whether you’re looking for a tasty snack to enjoy on your own or a crowd-pleasing dish to bring to a party or potluck, maple candied walnuts are sure to be a hit.

What You Need to Know Before Starting

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

Before you start making maple candied walnuts, there are a few things you need to know to ensure that your recipe turns out perfectly. Follow these tips to select the right walnuts and choose quality maple syrup for the best results.

Selecting the Right Walnuts

When selecting walnuts for your maple candied walnut recipe, it’s important to choose the right type. Walnuts come in two main varieties: English walnuts and black walnuts. English walnuts are the most common and have a mild, sweet flavor, while black walnuts have a stronger, more pungent flavor.

For maple candied walnuts, it’s best to use English walnuts. They have a milder flavor that pairs well with the sweetness of the maple syrup. Look for walnuts that are fresh and have a bright, uniform color. Avoid walnuts that are discolored or have a rancid smell.

Choosing Quality Maple Syrup

The quality of your maple syrup will have a big impact on the flavor of your maple candied walnuts. Look for pure maple syrup that is labeled Grade A or Grade B. Grade A syrup is lighter in color and has a milder flavor, while Grade B syrup is darker and has a stronger, more complex flavor.

When selecting maple syrup, it’s important to read the label carefully. Some syrups are labeled as “pancake syrup” or “table syrup,” but these are not real maple syrup and are often made with corn syrup and artificial flavors. Stick to pure maple syrup for the best results.

To summarize, when making maple candied walnuts, choose English walnuts that are fresh and uniform in color, and look for pure Grade A or Grade B maple syrup. By following these tips, you’ll be on your way to making delicious maple candied walnuts that are sure to impress.

The Perfect Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

If you are looking for a sweet and crunchy snack, maple candied walnuts are a perfect choice. This recipe is easy to make, and the end result is a delicious treat that you can enjoy anytime. Here is how to make the perfect maple candied walnut recipe.

Ingredients List

Before you start making maple candied walnuts, you need to gather all the necessary ingredients. Here is what you need:

Ingredients Quantity
Walnuts 2 cups
Maple syrup 1/2 cup
Butter 1/4 cup
Cinnamon 1 tsp
Salt 1/4 tsp
Vanilla 1 tsp

Step-by-Step Instructions

  1. Preheat your oven to 325°F.
  2. In a large skillet over medium heat, melt the butter.
  3. Add the maple syrup, vanilla, cinnamon, and salt to the skillet. Stir the mixture until it is frothy, which should take about 3 minutes.
  4. Add the walnuts to the skillet and toss them to coat them with the mixture using a rubber spatula.
  5. Cook the mixture, stirring constantly, until the sauce becomes syrupy and bubbly. This should take about 3 minutes.
  6. Spread the maple coated nuts on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
  7. Bake the nuts in the preheated oven for 10 minutes.
  8. Stir the nuts with a wooden spoon and return them to the oven.
  9. Bake the nuts for another 3-5 minutes until they are golden brown.
  10. Remove the nuts from the oven and let them cool completely before serving.

In conclusion, maple candied walnuts are a delicious treat that you can enjoy anytime. By following this recipe, you can make the perfect maple candied walnuts that are sweet, crunchy, and easy to make.

Mastering the Candying Technique

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

Candying walnuts is a delicate process that requires precision and attention to detail. With the right technique, you can create maple-candied walnuts that are crispy, sweet, and irresistible. In this section, we’ll cover the two most important aspects of candying walnuts: Temperature Control and Timing.

Temperature Control

Temperature control is crucial when candying walnuts. Too low of a temperature will result in a soft, sticky mess, while too high of a temperature will burn the walnuts and ruin the flavor. The ideal temperature for candying walnuts is between 300°F and 350°F.

To ensure temperature control, use a candy thermometer to monitor the temperature of the syrup as it cooks. Keep the heat at medium-low and stir the mixture constantly to prevent hot spots. If you don’t have a candy thermometer, you can test the temperature by dropping a small amount of the syrup into a glass of cold water. If it forms a hard ball, it’s ready.

Timing is Key

Timing is also a critical factor in candying walnuts. Overcooking the walnuts will result in a burnt flavor, while undercooking them will leave them too soft and chewy. The ideal cooking time for candied walnuts is between 3 and 5 minutes.

To ensure the perfect timing, keep a close eye on the walnuts as they cook. The syrup should be bubbling and frothy, and the walnuts should be evenly coated. Once the syrup has caramelized and there is no runny liquid left in the pan, the walnuts are ready. Spread them evenly onto a lined baking sheet and let them cool for a few minutes before serving.

By mastering the candying technique, you can create maple-candied walnuts that are perfect for snacking, topping salads, or adding to your favorite recipes. With a little practice and attention to detail, you’ll be able to create a delicious treat that will impress your friends and family.

Customizing Your Maple Candied Walnuts

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

Making maple candied walnuts is a simple and delicious treat that can be customized to your liking. Here are some ideas for flavor variations and dietary adjustments to make your maple candied walnuts even more enjoyable.

Flavor Variations

There are many ways to add different flavors to your maple candied walnuts. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Spices: Add a pinch of ground cinnamon, nutmeg, or allspice to your maple syrup mixture for a warm and cozy fall flavor.
  • Herbs: Try adding a sprinkle of fresh rosemary or thyme to your walnuts before baking for a savory twist.
  • Extracts: Use almond or vanilla extract instead of the vanilla in the recipe for a different flavor profile.
  • Savory: Add a pinch of cayenne pepper or smoked paprika to your walnuts for a spicy, smoky flavor.

Dietary Adjustments

If you have specific dietary needs, you can still enjoy maple candied walnuts. Here are some adjustments you can make:

  • Vegan: Use coconut oil instead of butter in the recipe and make sure your maple syrup is vegan.
  • Gluten-free: Make sure your walnuts and maple syrup are gluten-free.
  • Low-sugar: Use a sugar-free maple syrup alternative or reduce the amount of maple syrup in the recipe.
  • Low-fat: Use less butter or a butter substitute in the recipe.

By customizing your maple candied walnuts, you can make a delicious treat that fits your dietary needs and personal taste preferences.

Storing and Preserving Your Candied Walnuts

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

Once you have made your delicious maple candied walnuts, it is important to store them properly to maintain their freshness and flavor. Here are some tips and methods for storing and preserving your candied walnuts.

Short-Term Storage Tips

If you plan on consuming your maple candied walnuts within a week, you can store them in an airtight container at room temperature. Be sure to keep them away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture, as these can cause the walnuts to spoil faster.

Alternatively, you can store your candied walnuts in the refrigerator in an airtight container. This will help to extend their shelf life by a few extra days. Just be sure to let them come to room temperature before serving, as cold temperatures can dull the flavor.

Long-Term Preservation Methods

If you want to preserve your maple candied walnuts for longer than a week, you can freeze them. Freezing candied walnuts will help to maintain their flavor and texture for up to 6 months.

To freeze candied walnuts, place them in an airtight container or freezer bag and remove as much air as possible. Label the container with the date and store it in the freezer. When you’re ready to use them, let them thaw in the refrigerator overnight before serving.

It is important to note that freezing can cause the walnuts to lose some of their crunchiness. To help combat this, you can place them in the oven at a low temperature for a few minutes to crisp them up before serving.

In summary, proper storage and preservation of your maple candied walnuts can help to maintain their freshness and flavor. Whether you plan on consuming them within a week or freezing them for later use, be sure to follow these tips to ensure the best possible outcome.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

Walnuts Too Sticky

If your candied walnuts are too sticky and clumpy, the most likely culprit is that you didn’t stir them enough while cooking. When cooking the walnuts in the maple syrup mixture, it’s important to stir almost constantly to ensure that the walnuts are coated evenly and don’t stick together. Additionally, if you didn’t let the walnuts cool completely before storing them, they may stick together or become clumpy. To prevent this, let the walnuts cool completely on the baking sheet before transferring them to an airtight container for storage.

Maple Syrup Not Coating Evenly

If the maple syrup mixture isn’t coating the walnuts evenly, there are a few things that could be causing the issue. First, make sure that you’re using enough maple syrup to coat all of the walnuts. If you’re using a smaller amount of walnuts than the recipe calls for, you may need to adjust the amount of maple syrup accordingly. Additionally, make sure that you’re stirring the walnuts and maple syrup mixture constantly while cooking to ensure that the walnuts are coated evenly. If the mixture is too thick, you can add a small amount of water to thin it out. Finally, make sure that you’re using a high-quality maple syrup for the best flavor and consistency.

Overall, candied walnuts are a delicious and easy snack to make at home. By following these troubleshooting tips, you can ensure that your candied walnuts turn out perfectly every time.

Pairing and Serving Suggestions

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

Maple candied walnuts are a versatile and delicious addition to many dishes. Here are some pairing and serving suggestions to help you get the most out of this tasty treat.

Desserts and Baked Goods

Maple candied walnuts are a perfect addition to many desserts and baked goods. They add a sweet and crunchy element that pairs well with the richness of chocolate and the sweetness of fruit. Here are some ideas:

  • Brownies: Sprinkle maple candied walnuts on top of your favorite brownie recipe for a crunchy, sweet twist.
  • Ice Cream: Top your favorite ice cream flavor with maple candied walnuts for a sweet and crunchy treat.
  • Fruit Salad: Add maple candied walnuts to your favorite fruit salad recipe for a sweet and crunchy contrast to the fresh fruit.
  • Yogurt Parfait: Layer maple candied walnuts, yogurt, and your favorite fruit for a delicious and healthy breakfast or snack.

Salads and Side Dishes

Maple candied walnuts are a great addition to salads and side dishes, adding a sweet and crunchy element that pairs well with savory flavors. Here are some ideas:

  • Spinach Salad: Toss baby spinach leaves with sliced strawberries, crumbled feta cheese, and maple candied walnuts for a sweet and savory salad.
  • Roasted Vegetables: Sprinkle maple candied walnuts over roasted vegetables like Brussels sprouts or sweet potatoes for a sweet and crunchy twist.
  • Grain Salads: Add maple candied walnuts to your favorite grain salad recipe for a sweet and crunchy contrast to the hearty grains and fresh vegetables.
  • Charcuterie Board: Add maple candied walnuts to your favorite charcuterie board for a sweet and crunchy addition to the savory meats and cheeses.

Whether you’re looking for a sweet addition to your favorite dessert or a crunchy contrast to your favorite salad, maple candied walnuts are a versatile and delicious ingredient that can take your dishes to the next level.

Nutritional Information and Health Benefits

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

Caloric Content

Maple candied walnuts are a tasty snack that can be enjoyed at any time of day. However, it is important to be mindful of the caloric content of this treat. A 1-ounce serving of maple candied walnuts contains approximately 160-170 calories. This serving size is equivalent to about ¼ cup of walnuts. It is important to note that the caloric content may vary depending on the recipe used to make the maple candied walnuts.

Nutritional Breakdown

Walnuts are a great source of nutrients and can provide numerous health benefits when consumed in moderation. A 1-ounce serving of walnuts contains approximately 4 grams of protein, 2 grams of fiber, and 18 grams of fat. The fat content is primarily made up of healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which can help to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

In addition to being a good source of protein, fiber, and healthy fats, walnuts also contain important vitamins and minerals. These include vitamin E, magnesium, and phosphorus. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that can help to protect the body from damage caused by free radicals. Magnesium is important for maintaining healthy bones and muscles, while phosphorus is essential for proper cell function.

Overall, maple candied walnuts can be a delicious and nutritious snack when consumed in moderation. However, it is important to be mindful of the caloric content and to enjoy them as part of a balanced diet.

Creative Uses for Leftover Maple Candied Walnuts

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

If you have extra maple candied walnuts lying around after making a batch, don’t throw them away! These sweet, crunchy nuts can be used in a variety of ways to add flavor and texture to your meals and snacks. Here are some creative ideas to help you use up those leftover maple candied walnuts.

Homemade Gifts

If you’re looking for a unique and tasty gift idea, consider making homemade maple candied walnuts. Simply package the nuts in a decorative jar or bag and tie with a ribbon. You can also include a recipe card with instructions on how to make the nuts. This is a thoughtful and delicious gift that your friends and family are sure to appreciate.

Snack Ideas

Maple candied walnuts make a great snack on their own, but you can also use them to add flavor and crunch to other snacks. Here are some ideas:

  • Add them to a trail mix with other nuts, seeds, and dried fruit.
  • Sprinkle them on top of yogurt or oatmeal for a sweet and crunchy breakfast.
  • Use them as a topping for ice cream or a fruit salad.
  • Mix them into cookie or brownie batter for a sweet and nutty twist.

Overall, maple candied walnuts are a versatile ingredient that can be used in many different ways. Get creative and experiment with different recipes to find your favorite way to use them.

Promoting Your Maple Candied Walnut Creations

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

If you’re passionate about cooking and have a knack for creating delicious maple candied walnut recipes, it’s time to start promoting your creations. By showcasing your culinary skills, you can attract more customers and build a loyal following. Here are some tips on how to effectively promote your maple candied walnut creations.

Photography Tips

One of the most important aspects of promoting your maple candied walnut creations is to take high-quality photographs. A picture is worth a thousand words, so make sure your photographs are visually appealing and showcase the texture and color of your creations. Here are some photography tips to help you get started:

  • Use natural light: Natural light is the best light source for food photography. Take your photographs near a window or outside during the day for the best results.
  • Choose the right background: Choose a background that complements the colors of your maple candied walnuts. A neutral background such as a wooden table or a white plate is a good choice.
  • Experiment with angles: Take photographs from different angles to showcase the texture and shape of your maple candied walnuts. Try overhead shots, side shots, and close-ups to create variety.

Marketing Strategies

Once you have high-quality photographs of your maple candied walnut creations, it’s time to start marketing them. Here are some marketing strategies to help you promote your creations:

  • Social media: Social media platforms such as Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter are great places to showcase your maple candied walnut creations. Post your photographs and use relevant hashtags to attract more followers.
  • Food blogs: Reach out to food bloggers and ask them to feature your maple candied walnut creations in their blog posts. This can help you reach a wider audience and attract more customers.
  • Farmers markets: Set up a stall at your local farmers market and offer samples of your maple candied walnuts. This can help you attract new customers and get feedback on your creations.

By following these photography and marketing tips, you can effectively promote your maple candied walnut creations and attract more customers.

Hosting a Maple Candied Walnut Making Workshop

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

If you enjoy cooking and want to share your love of maple candied walnuts with others, hosting a workshop is a great way to do it. Here are some tips to help you plan and teach your workshop.

Planning Your Event

The first step in hosting a maple candied walnut making workshop is to plan your event. Decide on a date and time that works for you and your guests. Consider the number of people you want to invite and make sure you have enough space and equipment to accommodate everyone.

Next, create a list of ingredients and supplies you will need for the workshop. Make sure you have enough of everything, including maple syrup, walnuts, butter, and spices. You may also want to provide aprons, gloves, and other protective gear to keep your guests clean and safe.

Finally, think about how you want to promote your workshop. You can use social media, email, or flyers to reach out to your friends and family and invite them to join you.

Teaching Techniques

Once you have planned your workshop, it’s time to teach your guests how to make maple candied walnuts. Start by introducing the ingredients and explaining how they work together to create a delicious snack.

Next, demonstrate the techniques your guests will need to master, such as melting butter, stirring in maple syrup, and coating the walnuts evenly. Encourage your guests to ask questions and offer tips and tricks to help them along the way.

Finally, give your guests a chance to practice making their own maple candied walnuts. Walk around the room and offer guidance as needed, but also allow your guests to experiment and make their own unique creations.

Hosting a maple candied walnut making workshop is a fun and rewarding way to share your passion for cooking with others. With a little planning and preparation, you can create a memorable experience for your guests and teach them a new skill they can enjoy for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

What is the best way to roast walnuts with maple syrup in the oven?

To roast walnuts with maple syrup in the oven, preheat the oven to 350°F and line a baking sheet with parchment paper. In a mixing bowl, combine the walnuts with maple syrup and a pinch of salt, and mix well to coat the walnuts evenly. Spread the coated walnuts in a single layer on the prepared baking sheet and bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the walnuts are golden brown and fragrant. Stir the walnuts once or twice during the baking process to ensure even roasting.

How can I make maple candied walnuts on the stovetop?

To make maple candied walnuts on the stovetop, heat a heavy-bottomed skillet over medium heat. Add the walnuts, maple syrup, and salt, and stir well to coat the walnuts evenly. Cook for 2-5 minutes, or until the maple syrup has caramelized and there is no runny liquid left in the pan. Spoon the walnuts onto a lined baking sheet and spread them out in a single layer to cool and harden.

What are some tips for making easy maple candied walnuts?

To make easy maple candied walnuts, use high-quality walnuts and pure maple syrup. Be sure to stir the walnuts frequently during the cooking process to prevent burning and to ensure even coating. You can also experiment with adding different spices, such as cinnamon or cayenne pepper, to create a unique flavor profile.

Can I use honey instead of maple syrup for candied walnut recipes?

Yes, you can use honey instead of maple syrup for candied walnut recipes. However, keep in mind that honey has a different flavor profile than maple syrup, so the final product will have a different taste. You may want to adjust the amount of honey used based on your personal preference.

How do you make candied walnuts with brown sugar?

To make candied walnuts with brown sugar, combine the walnuts, brown sugar, and a pinch of salt in a mixing bowl. Mix well to coat the walnuts evenly. Spread the coated walnuts in a single layer on a lined baking sheet and bake at 350°F for 10-12 minutes, or until the walnuts are golden brown and fragrant.

What spices pair well with maple syrup for making spiced walnuts?

Cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, and allspice are all spices that pair well with maple syrup for making spiced walnuts. You can experiment with different combinations to create a unique flavor profile that suits your taste preferences.

External Links

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

If you’re looking to expand your knowledge about Maple Candied Walnuts, here are some external links that can help you:

Martha Stewart’s recipe is a classic one, and it’s perfect for those who want to try a traditional Maple Candied Walnuts recipe. The recipe is easy to follow, and you only need a few ingredients to make it. The recipe also includes a video tutorial that can help you make the perfect candied walnuts.

Texanerin Baking’s recipe is a healthier version of the Maple Candied Walnuts recipe, and it’s perfect for those who are looking for a low-carb or gluten-free option. This recipe uses almond flour instead of regular flour, and it’s sweetened with maple syrup. The recipe is also super quick and easy to make, and it only requires three ingredients.

Little Home in the Making’s recipe is another healthy option for those who are looking for a natural sweetener. This recipe uses butter and maple syrup to make the candied walnuts. The recipe also includes some tips and tricks to make sure that the walnuts turn out perfectly every time.

Overall, these external links can help you expand your knowledge about Maple Candied Walnuts and provide you with some great recipe options to try.

More FAQs

Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

Are maple walnuts good for you?

Maple candied walnuts are a delicious treat that can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a healthy diet. While walnuts are a good source of healthy fats, protein, and fiber, the added sugar in maple syrup makes this recipe a high-calorie snack. Therefore, it is recommended to consume maple candied walnuts in moderation as a treat rather than a regular snack.

How do you know when maple syrup is caramelized?

When making maple candied walnuts, it is important to know when the maple syrup has caramelized to achieve the desired texture and flavor. You will know that the maple syrup is caramelized when it has thickened and coats the walnuts evenly. A good way to check if the syrup is caramelized is to take a wooden spoon and dip it into the syrup. If the syrup coats the back of the spoon and doesn’t run off, it’s ready.

It is important to note that the maple syrup coating will seem soft but will harden as it cools. Therefore, it is recommended to let the maple candied walnuts cool completely before serving.

How long do maple candied walnuts last?

Maple candied walnuts can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for up to one week. If you want to extend their shelf life, you can store them in the refrigerator for up to two weeks or in the freezer for up to three months.

To ensure that the maple candied walnuts stay fresh, it is important to store them in an airtight container and away from direct sunlight or heat sources. If you notice any signs of spoilage, such as a rancid smell or taste, it is best to discard them.

Remember, maple candied walnuts are a treat and should be enjoyed in moderation as part of a healthy diet.


Congratulations! You have successfully made maple candied walnuts. This recipe is a great addition to your snack collection, and it’s perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re hosting a party or just looking for a quick snack, maple candied walnuts are sure to satisfy.

Remember, this recipe is very versatile, and you can tweak it to your liking. You can add different spices or use different nuts to create your own unique version. You can also adjust the sweetness level by adding more or less maple syrup.

When making maple candied walnuts, it’s important to keep an eye on them while they’re cooking. You don’t want them to burn, so make sure to stir them frequently. Also, be careful when handling the hot pan and the hot walnuts.

Overall, this recipe is a great way to enjoy the delicious flavor of maple syrup and the crunchiness of walnuts. It’s a healthy snack that’s perfect for any time of day. So, go ahead and give it a try!

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Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

maple candied walnut recipe

  • Author: chef
  • Total Time: 30 minutes
  • Yield: 2 cups 1x
  • Diet: Vegetarian


Maple Candied Walnut Recipe


  • 2 cups walnuts
  • 1/2 cup pure maple syrup
  • 1/4 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Preheat oven to 325°F (165°C).
  2. In a bowl, mix maple syrup, sugar, vanilla, and salt.
  3. Add walnuts and toss to coat.
  4. Spread on a baking sheet and bake for 20-25 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  5. Allow to cool before serving.


This maple candied walnut recipe is a delightful snack or topping for salads, offering a perfect balance of sweetness and crunch. Enjoy in moderation as part of a balanced diet.

  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 20-25 minutes
  • Category: Snack
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 1/4 cup
  • Calories: 220
  • Sugar: 12g
  • Sodium: 75mg
  • Fat: 18g
  • Carbohydrates: 16g
  • Fiber: 2g
  • Protein: 4g
  • Cholesterol: 0mg

Keywords: Maple Candied Walnut Recipe

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