Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe

A Delicious and Easy Breakfast Idea

If you’re looking for a delicious and easy-to-make breakfast or snack, look no further than banana jam crescent rolls. These sweet treats combine the flaky, buttery goodness of crescent rolls with the fruity sweetness of banana jam. Best of all, they’re simple enough for even novice bakers to whip up in no time.

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

To make banana jam crescent rolls, you’ll need just a few basic ingredients: crescent roll dough, banana jam, and a few simple pantry staples. Simply unroll the dough, spread a generous layer of banana jam over each piece, roll them up, and bake until golden brown. The result is a warm, flaky pastry with a sweet, fruity filling that’s perfect for breakfast, brunch, or a midday snack.

With their simple preparation and delicious flavor, banana jam crescent rolls are sure to become a new favorite in your baking repertoire. Whether you’re serving them up for a weekend brunch or enjoying them as an afternoon treat, they’re the perfect way to satisfy your sweet tooth without spending hours in the kitchen. So why not give them a try today?

Choosing the Right Ingredients

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

When making banana jam crescent rolls, selecting the right ingredients is key to achieving the perfect taste and texture. In this section, we will discuss how to choose the best bananas, jam for filling, and crescent roll dough.

Selecting Bananas

When choosing bananas for your jam crescent rolls, it’s important to select ripe bananas that are slightly soft to the touch and have brown spots on the skin. These bananas are sweeter and more flavorful, which will enhance the taste of your rolls. Avoid using green or unripe bananas as they are less sweet and have a starchy taste.

Types of Jam for Filling

The type of jam you use for filling is crucial as it will affect the overall taste of your crescent rolls. You can use any type of jam, jelly, or preserves for filling, but some popular options include strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, and apricot. When selecting jam, choose one that is thick and not too runny. This will prevent the jam from oozing out of the rolls during baking.

Picking the Best Crescent Roll Dough

When selecting crescent roll dough, you have two options: homemade or store-bought. If you have the time and skills, homemade dough is always the best option as it allows you to control the ingredients and texture. However, store-bought dough is a convenient option if you’re short on time or don’t want to make dough from scratch. Look for crescent roll dough that is fresh and has not expired.

Overall, selecting the right ingredients is crucial to making delicious banana jam crescent rolls. By following these tips, you can ensure that your rolls will turn out perfectly every time.

Preparing the Banana Jam

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

If you want to make banana jam crescent rolls, the first thing you need to do is prepare the banana jam. The good news is that making banana jam is easy and requires only a few ingredients.

Cooking Techniques

To make banana jam, you will need ripe bananas, sugar, lemon juice, and water. You can also add spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves to enhance the flavor of the jam.

To start, mash the bananas and mix them with sugar and water in a pan. Heat the mixture over medium-low heat and bring it to a simmer. Stir in the lemon juice and spices, and continue to simmer the mixture for 10 minutes until it thickens.

Flavor Enhancements

There are several ways to enhance the flavor of your banana jam. One way is to add vanilla extract, which will give the jam a sweet and aromatic flavor. You can also add grated ginger or orange zest for a citrusy kick.

If you want to make your banana jam even more special, you can add some rum or bourbon to the mixture. The alcohol will add a rich and complex flavor to the jam, making it perfect for desserts like banana jam crescent rolls.

Overall, making banana jam is a simple and rewarding process. By using fresh and flavorful ingredients, you can create a delicious jam that will elevate any dish.

Making the Dough from Scratch

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

If you want to make banana jam crescent rolls from scratch, you’ll need to start with the dough. Making dough from scratch may seem intimidating, but it’s actually quite simple. Here’s how to do it in three easy steps.

Mixing the Ingredients

To make the dough, you’ll need flour, sugar, salt, yeast, butter, milk, and an egg. Start by mixing the dry ingredients together in a large bowl. This includes the flour, sugar, salt, and yeast.

In a separate bowl, melt the butter and then add the milk and egg. Mix these wet ingredients together until they are well combined.

Next, pour the wet ingredients into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Use a wooden spoon or your hands to mix the ingredients together until they form a shaggy dough.

Kneading the Dough

Once you’ve mixed the ingredients together, it’s time to knead the dough. Dust a clean surface with flour and turn the dough out onto it. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes until it becomes smooth and elastic.

Kneading is an important step because it helps to develop the gluten in the dough. This gives the dough its structure and makes it stretchy and pliable.

Resting the Dough

After you’ve kneaded the dough, it’s time to let it rest. Place the dough in a greased bowl and cover it with a clean towel. Let the dough rest for about an hour in a warm, draft-free place.

During this time, the yeast in the dough will begin to ferment, causing the dough to rise. This is what gives the dough its light, fluffy texture.

Once the dough has doubled in size, it’s ready to be rolled out and filled with banana jam. With this dough, you can make delicious, homemade banana jam crescent rolls that are sure to impress your friends and family.

Assembling the Crescent Rolls

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

Making banana jam crescent rolls is a straightforward process that requires a few simple steps. Here’s what you need to do:

Rolling the Dough

Start by preheating your oven to 350°F and preparing a baking sheet. Unroll the crescent dough and separate it into triangles. Place them on the baking sheet and roll them out slightly to make them a bit larger.

Adding the Banana Jam

Next, it’s time to add the banana jam. Take a tablespoon of banana jam and spread it evenly over the surface of each triangle. Be careful not to add too much jam, as it can make the crescent rolls too sweet and difficult to roll up.

Shaping the Crescents

To shape the crescents, roll up each triangle from the wide end to the narrow end. Make sure to tuck in the edges as you go along to prevent the jam from leaking out.

Once you have rolled up all of the triangles, place them on the baking sheet with the pointed end facing down. Bake the crescent rolls for 10-12 minutes, or until they are golden brown.

That’s it! Your delicious banana jam crescent rolls are ready to be enjoyed. Serve them warm for the best taste and texture.

Baking Techniques

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

When it comes to making banana jam crescent rolls, you need to pay attention to some key baking techniques to ensure that your rolls come out perfectly. Here are some tips to help you achieve the best results:

Oven Temperature Control

One of the most important factors in baking crescent rolls is getting the oven temperature right. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and make sure it reaches the desired temperature before you place your rolls in the oven. If the oven is too hot, the rolls will brown too quickly on the outside and may not cook through on the inside. On the other hand, if the oven is too cool, the rolls may not rise properly and will be dense and doughy.

Timing for Perfection

Timing is everything when it comes to baking banana jam crescent rolls. Bake your rolls for 9-12 minutes, or until they are golden brown on the outside. Be sure to keep an eye on them while they are baking to avoid overcooking them. If you leave them in the oven for too long, they will become dry and hard, and the filling may start to leak out.

To make sure your rolls are cooked through, insert a toothpick into the center of one of the rolls. If it comes out clean, the rolls are done. If there is still some dough sticking to the toothpick, leave them in the oven for another minute or two.

By following these simple baking techniques, you can make delicious banana jam crescent rolls that are sure to impress your family and friends.

Glazing and Topping Ideas

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

Once you have baked your banana jam crescent rolls to perfection, it’s time to add some glaze and toppings to take them to the next level. Here are some ideas to get you started.

Sweet Glazes

A sweet glaze can add an extra layer of flavor and texture to your crescent rolls. Here are some options to consider:

  • Icing sugar glaze: Mix icing sugar with a few drops of milk to create a runny glaze. Drizzle it over your crescent rolls for a classic touch.
  • Honey glaze: Warm honey in the microwave or on the stove, then brush it over your crescent rolls for a sweet and sticky finish.
  • Caramel glaze: Heat caramel sauce in a small saucepan until it’s runny, then drizzle it over your crescent rolls. Top with chopped nuts for extra crunch.

Nutty and Crunchy Toppings

Adding nuts or other crunchy toppings can give your crescent rolls a satisfying texture. Here are some ideas to try:

  • Chopped nuts: Sprinkle chopped almonds, pecans, or walnuts over your crescent rolls before baking for a nutty crunch.
  • Granola: Crumble granola over your crescent rolls before baking for a crunchy topping that’s also packed with flavor.
  • Toasted coconut: Toast shredded coconut in the oven until it’s golden brown, then sprinkle it over your crescent rolls for a tropical twist.

Experiment with different glazes and toppings to find your favorite combination. You can also try mixing and matching flavors to create something truly unique. Enjoy your delicious banana jam crescent rolls!

Serving Suggestions

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

Once your banana jam crescent rolls are out of the oven and cooled for a few minutes, it’s time to serve them up! Here are some serving suggestions to make your dessert even more enjoyable.

Pairing with Beverages

A warm and sweet dessert like banana jam crescent rolls pairs perfectly with a cup of coffee or tea. The bitterness of the coffee or tea will balance out the sweetness of the rolls. If you prefer something cold, a glass of milk or a scoop of vanilla ice cream will do the trick. You can also try pairing the rolls with a fruit smoothie for a refreshing twist.

Plating Techniques

To make your banana jam crescent rolls look more appetizing, try plating them in a creative way. You can place them on a decorative plate and sprinkle some powdered sugar on top for a classic look. Alternatively, you can drizzle some chocolate syrup or caramel sauce on top for a more indulgent treat. You can also add some fresh fruit like sliced strawberries or raspberries on the side for a pop of color and flavor.

Remember to serve the rolls warm for the best taste and texture. You can reheat them in the oven for a few minutes or in the microwave for a quick fix. With these serving suggestions, your banana jam crescent rolls will be the star of your dessert table.

Storing and Reheating

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

Once your banana jam crescent rolls are cooled, you can store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. If you want to keep them fresh for longer, you can store them in the refrigerator for up to a week. To keep them from getting soggy, place a paper towel at the bottom of the container before adding the rolls.

When you’re ready to eat them, you have a few options for reheating. The oven is the best option for a crispy texture. Preheat your oven to 350°F/180°C, place the rolls on a baking sheet, and bake for 5-7 minutes or until they’re heated through. You can also reheat them in the microwave, but they won’t be as crispy. Place them on a microwave-safe plate and heat for 15-20 seconds.

If you have leftover banana jam crescent rolls that you want to freeze, wrap them tightly in plastic wrap and then place them in a freezer-safe container for up to 2 months. When you’re ready to eat them, let them thaw in the refrigerator overnight and then reheat them using one of the methods mentioned above.

Remember that reheating crescent rolls multiple times can cause them to become dry and lose their flakiness. It’s best to only reheat them once and enjoy them fresh if possible.

Storage Duration
Room Temperature Up to 2 days
Refrigerator Up to a week
Freezer Up to 2 months

In summary, storing and reheating your banana jam crescent rolls is easy. Just make sure to store them properly in an airtight container and reheat them in the oven or microwave for the best results. Don’t forget that you can freeze them for up to 2 months if you have leftovers.

Nutritional Information

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

If you’re wondering about the nutritional value of banana jam crescent rolls, here’s a breakdown of the key components.


A single crescent roll made with banana jam filling contains approximately 140-160 calories. This number can vary depending on the type of crescent roll dough used and the amount of jam filling added.


Crescent rolls are made primarily of carbohydrates, and the banana jam filling adds additional carbs. One crescent roll with banana jam filling contains approximately 20-25 grams of carbohydrates.


Crescent rolls are typically made with butter or another type of fat, making them a higher-fat food. One crescent roll with banana jam filling contains approximately 8-10 grams of fat.


Crescent rolls are not a significant source of protein. One crescent roll with banana jam filling contains approximately 2-3 grams of protein.


The banana jam filling in crescent rolls adds a significant amount of sugar. One crescent roll with banana jam filling contains approximately 10-12 grams of sugar.

Overall, banana jam crescent rolls are a tasty treat but should be consumed in moderation due to their high carbohydrate, fat, and sugar content.

Customizing the Recipe

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

Once you’ve mastered the basic banana jam crescent rolls recipe, you can start to experiment with different variations to make it your own. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Dietary Adjustments

If you’re following a specific diet, you can easily adjust the recipe to fit your needs. Here are some suggestions:

  • Vegan: Use vegan crescent roll dough, and replace the egg wash with a non-dairy milk, such as almond or soy milk.
  • Gluten-free: Use gluten-free crescent roll dough, or make your own gluten-free dough from scratch.
  • Low-sugar: Use a sugar-free jam, or make your own jam using a natural sweetener like Stevia.

Variations for Occasions

Banana jam crescent rolls are perfect for any occasion, from breakfast to dessert. Here are some ideas for customizing the recipe to fit different occasions:

  • Breakfast: Add some chopped nuts or seeds to the filling for added protein and crunch. Serve with a side of fresh fruit for a complete breakfast.
  • Brunch: Add some cream cheese to the filling for a rich and creamy twist. Serve with a side of bacon or sausage for a savory contrast.
  • Dessert: Drizzle some melted chocolate over the top of the rolls for a decadent dessert. Serve with a scoop of vanilla ice cream for an extra indulgent treat.

Remember, the possibilities are endless when it comes to customizing this recipe. Don’t be afraid to get creative and try out new flavor combinations. With a little experimentation, you’re sure to come up with a variation that’s perfect for you.

Tips for Perfect Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

If you want to make perfect banana jam crescent rolls, here are some tips to keep in mind:

1. Use High-Quality Ingredients

The quality of your ingredients can make or break your banana jam crescent rolls. Use high-quality crescent roll dough and fresh, ripe bananas for the best results. Additionally, make sure that your jam is of good quality and has a thick consistency. You can use any flavor of jam that you like, but strawberry and raspberry work particularly well with bananas.

2. Roll the Dough Tightly

To ensure that your crescent rolls are flaky and delicious, it’s important to roll the dough tightly. Spread your jam evenly over the dough, leaving a small border around the edges. Then, starting at the wide end of the triangle, roll the dough up tightly towards the point. Be sure to seal the edges of the dough well to prevent the filling from leaking out during baking.

3. Brush with Egg Wash

For a shiny, golden-brown finish, brush your banana jam crescent rolls with egg wash before baking. To make an egg wash, simply whisk together one egg with a tablespoon of water. Use a pastry brush to apply the egg wash to the tops of the rolls just before baking.

4. Serve Warm

Banana jam crescent rolls are best served warm, straight from the oven. Allow them to cool for a few minutes before serving, then dust with powdered sugar and enjoy! These rolls also pair well with a cup of coffee or tea.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to make perfect banana jam crescent rolls every time. For more recipe ideas and inspiration, check out Beat Bake Eat and Joyful Homemaking.

Frequently Asked Questions

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

What are the necessary ingredients to make banana jam crescent rolls?

To make Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe, you will need Pillsbury crescent rolls, banana jam, cinnamon, nutmeg, and powdered sugar. You can also add cream cheese to the recipe for added flavor.

How can I incorporate cream cheese into banana jam crescent rolls?

To incorporate cream cheese into Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe, you can spread a layer of cream cheese on the crescent roll dough before adding the banana jam. This will add a creamy texture and flavor to the rolls.

What is the best way to store banana jam crescent rolls?

The best way to store Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe is to place them in an airtight container and store them in the refrigerator. They can be reheated in the oven or microwave when ready to eat.

Is there a difference in baking time when using Pillsbury crescent rolls for making banana jam crescent rolls?

There may be a slight difference in baking time when using Pillsbury crescent rolls for making Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe. It is recommended to follow the baking instructions on the Pillsbury crescent roll package and adjust the baking time as needed based on the recipe.

How can I ensure my banana jam crescent rolls are not soggy?

To ensure that your Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe are not soggy, make sure to spread a thin layer of banana jam on the crescent roll dough. Also, do not overfill the rolls with jam as this can cause them to become soggy. Finally, make sure to bake the rolls until they are golden brown and fully cooked.

Can I use a different type of jam for making crescent rolls, and how will it affect the taste?

Yes, you can use a different type of making Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe. However, keep in mind that it will affect the taste of the rolls. For example, using strawberry jam will result in a different flavor profile than using banana jam.

External Links

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

If you want to explore more recipes using crescent rolls, there are plenty of resources available online. Here are some external links that you might find helpful:

  • Joyful Homemaking – This blog post offers a recipe for banana crescent dessert that is similar to the banana jam crescent rolls recipe. The recipe uses the same basic technique of rolling bananas in crescent dough and baking until golden brown. It also includes a homemade glaze that you can drizzle over the top of the rolls for added sweetness.
  • Beat Bake Eat – This recipe for jam-filled crescent rolls is a great starting point if you want to experiment with different fillings. The recipe calls for spreading jam onto the dough before rolling it up, but you could easily substitute the jam with other ingredients like Nutella, cream cheese, or fresh fruit.
  • The Food Charlatan – If you’re a fan of Nutella, you might want to try this recipe for Nutella and banana stuffed crescent rolls. The recipe uses the same basic technique as the banana jam crescent rolls recipe, but adds a generous dollop of Nutella to the center of each roll. The rolls are then coated in cinnamon sugar before baking for added flavor.
  • Upstate Ramblings – This recipe for sweet and flaky jam crescent rolls is another great option if you’re looking for a different filling. The recipe calls for spreading a thin layer of jam over the top of each crescent roll triangle before baking. You could use any type of jam or jelly that you like, from strawberry to raspberry to apricot.

These external links offer a variety of recipes and ideas for using crescent rolls in different ways. Whether you’re looking for a sweet or savory recipe, there’s sure to be something that catches your eye.

More FAQs

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls

If you’re new to making crescent rolls, you may have some questions about the recipe. Here are some frequently asked questions that can help you out:

Why are crescent rolls so good?

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe are a popular pastry that are loved for their flaky, buttery texture. They are versatile and can be used in both savory and sweet dishes. The dough is made with flour, butter, sugar, and yeast, which gives it a light and airy texture when baked. The crescent shape of the rolls makes them easy to pull apart and share, which makes them a great option for parties or gatherings.

What is the difference between crescent and croissant rolls?

Crescent rolls and croissant rolls are similar in shape, but they are made with different types of dough. Crescent rolls are made with a yeast dough that is similar to bread dough, while croissant rolls are made with a laminated dough that is layered with butter. Croissant rolls are typically flakier and have a more pronounced buttery flavor, while crescent rolls are lighter and have a more bread-like texture.

How healthy are crescent rolls?

are not the healthiest option, as they are high in calories and fat. However, they can be enjoyed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. To make them a bit healthier, you can use whole wheat flour instead of all-purpose flour, and reduce the amount of butter or use a low-fat alternative.

Can you put jam on croissants?

Yes, you can put jam on Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe. In fact, it’s a popular way to enjoy them. Simply spread your favorite jam or jelly on the croissant and enjoy. You can also add other toppings, such as cream cheese or Nutella, for a delicious breakfast or snack.


In conclusion, making banana jam crescent rolls is a simple and delicious way to enjoy a sweet treat. With just a few ingredients and some basic kitchen tools, you can whip up a batch of these tasty rolls in no time.

To start, you’ll need some crescent roll dough, which you can find in the refrigerated section of most grocery stores. You’ll also need some banana jam or preserves, which you can make at home or purchase at the store.

Once you have your ingredients, the process is as easy as unrolling the dough, spreading the jam on top, and rolling it up. You can even experiment with adding other ingredients like Nutella or caramel for an extra sweet twist.

One of the best things about this recipe is how versatile it is. You can serve these rolls as a dessert, a snack, or even a breakfast pastry. They’re perfect for a quick and easy treat that everyone will love.

Overall, banana jam crescent rolls are a delicious and easy-to-make recipe that’s perfect for any occasion. So why not give them a try and see for yourself just how tasty they can be?

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Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe

Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe

  • Author: chef
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 8 crescent rolls 1x
  • Diet: Vegetarian


Banana Jam Crescent Rolls


  • 1 can refrigerated crescent roll dough
  • 1/2 cup banana jam
  • 1 tablespoon melted butter


  1. Preheat the oven to 375°F (190°C).
  2. Unroll the crescent roll dough and separate into triangles.
  3. Spread a teaspoon of banana jam on each triangle.
  4. Roll up the triangles starting from the wide end.
  5. Place the rolls on a baking sheet and brush with melted butter.
  6. Bake for 10-12 minutes or until golden brown.
  7. Serve warm and enjoy!


These banana jam crescent rolls are a delightful sweet treat perfect for breakfast or dessert.

  • Prep Time: 15 minutes
  • Cook Time: 10 minutes
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Baking
  • Cuisine: American


  • Serving Size: 1 crescent roll
  • Calories: 180
  • Sugar: 8g
  • Sodium: 320mg
  • Fat: 9g
  • Carbohydrates: 22g
  • Fiber: 1g
  • Protein: 2g
  • Cholesterol: 10mg

Keywords: Banana Jam Crescent Rolls Recipe

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